Bulgaria Continues to Return to Turkey Asylum Seekers
Bulgaria continues to return to Turkey asylum seekers. For the past two years, no Turkish citizen who has applied for a refugee or humanitarian status in Bulgaria has received it, bTV writes.
Since the beginning of the year, 37 Turkish citizens have been detained in their attempt to leave their homeland.
One third of them have sought protection from the Refugee Agency and the reason as they said is that they are in danger due to persecution in Turkey, but none has been granted status. In 2016 - too.
The Agency is firmly convinced that each request for protection is considered individually and objectively and deny the practice of refusing Turkish citizens.
The return of Turkish citizens persecuted by the Ankara authorities last year has provoked a scandal several times in our country. Even now, there are another 16 people who are waiting for a solution for this, will they get protection in Bulgaria or not.